Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Medium, at about 16 inches in length including the tailfeathers.

Between 25 - 30 years, although instances of Ringnecks living past the age of fifty have been authenticated. Although the Indian Ringneck has something of a reputation for being nippy and hard to tame, it is largely undeserved. Because they are so smart, Ringnecks get bored very easily, and will often resort to chewing and other destructive behavior if left to their own devices. They also go through a bluffing stage during adolescence that is difficult for some owners to manage. Ringnecks that are handled often and properly cared for, however, generally have sweet, charming personalities that make them a favorite of bird enthusiasts everywhere. Ringnecks are available in shades ranging from bright yellows, greens, and blues, to albinos. Like a few other bird species, they are known as dimorphic, meaning that a bird's sex can be determined by its colors and markings. Males sport deep red beaks, black facial markings, and three bands or color around their necks. Females, while still beautiful, lack the facial and collar bands, although some do display a barely slight darkening of color around their necks. Wild Indian Ringnecks usually feast on a diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and seeds. While most vets agree that it is best for captive birds to eat a nutritionally balanced pelleted diet, a Ringneck will appreciate a variety of fruits and veggies in their diet. As with all birds, food and water containers should be emptied, cleaned, and refilled daily to reduce the risk of bacteria growth and infection. Parakeets are very active birds, and the Ringneck is no exception. As with most other bird species, it is a good idea to have a safe area for the pet to play and stretch its wings. Ringnecks also have powerful jaw muscles to maintain, so it is wise to provide an array of chewable toys, perches, and cage accessories so that the bird is less likely to gnaw on something valuable or dangerous. Indian Ringneck Parakeets have been kept in captivity from as early as 200 B.C. In their home country of India, they were regarded as sacred beings when religious leaders began to recognize their ability to clearly mimic human language. Highly regarded by wealthy Indian royals, Ringnecks were kept in decorative cages and were admired for their colors and charming dispositions. In the 1920's, however, aviculturists began breeding captive Ringnecks, and with the advent of different color mutations the popularity of the bird began to explode. Now widely available in the pet trade, Indian Ringneck Parakeets continue to gain increasing popularity as pets. Their relatively small size and beautiful markings help to make the Ringneck a good choice for many bird owners. With adequate attention, handling, and love, an Indian Ringneck Parakeet can quickly become a beloved companion and family member.

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